Sunday, 5 June 2016

Hanging On!

The fairly windy weather we had over the past couple of days was presenting various challenges for the residents in a small, big world and also for myself.

It is quite difficult to focus on an insect that is swaying in the wind and on top of that moving as well, there are limits to my balance!

I decided it was time to visit the stonewalls and use their shelter just like the insects do. Initially, it all seems quite empty but once the eyes adjust, it is suddenly full of life!

Neither I nor the beetle were too pleased by the gusts of wind blowing through the cracks in the stonewall.

The very same soldier beetle as the one clinging on to the grass above and below. Somehow it didn't seem to be quite with it. Perhaps it just emerged from its winter sleep? It had great difficulties sorting out its legs ...

They do hibernate from Autmn till spring, usually under dead leaves etc.

Still hanging on!

Thistles are also a good spot as their thick, strong stalks are not that much affected by the winds, especially when in the shelter of stonewalls.

The soldier beetles in particular seem to take a liking to this thistles.

Not only are these beetles great to watch, they are also good to have in your garden as their larvae will eat other insects eggs.

Expert climber!

 A smile for the camera :)

"That's it for now, I'm off"

Thistles offer home, entertainement, food and protection to a varied range of insects. The further into summer we go, the busier these thistles are.

The most frequently seen habitants of stonewalls are of course the spiders.  Hundreds of them are out there and many carry their egg sacks with them.

 Handsome Wolf Spider with her egg sack.

And yet another case for CSI Nature - (see link to the right) - it appears that these are the remains of a caterpillar ...

Going very small, here a Cupboard Spider (Steatoda grossa), related to the false widow spider (which is poisonous).
I watched it for some time, being quite angry with its prey ... somehow it looked as though the spider was really fed up with having to wrap it all up ... 

 Not quite dead yet ... 

 ... soon it will be!

 All this wrapping ... 

 ... if it would just hold still ...

 ... so tiresome ... 

 ... that's it. Had enough!

Another little spider with dinner. These little jumping spiders can bee seen in various colours all over the stone walls where they string their sticky strands of silk over the stones, spending much of the day busily checking for prey.

 And now we know where all the bugs go: into the stomach of a big bird. As I see mostly ravens on the stonewalls, I can only guess that this is one of their droppings ...

 Well, right now the sun is out and it is near on windstill ... off to more adventures!

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